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Duffers Saddle | Nevis Valley | Nevis Rd
Duffers Saddle,Nevis Valley Rd Highest public Rd in NZ - 4183ft
Duffers Saddle and the road to Old Woman Hut
Over Duffers Pass into Nevis Valley. Detour – 10 HD 1080p
Duffers Saddle Nevis Valley
The highest road in New Zealand The Nevis by MAN truck
The Fords of the Nevis Crossing
Arguably the best off-road trail in New Zealand - The Nevis valley and gorge
Highest road in New Zealand -The Nevis by MAN truck - Part 4
Nevis Rd, Carricktown Loop. The Highest Pass on a Public Rd In NZ
Duffers saddle,highest driveable Pass in New Zealand
Movie 1300m pass Duffers saddle